Friday, April 3, 2015

getaway, get away, gateway

Getaway or getaway ( one word ) describes something used for escape, or for fleeing the scene of a crime--
The bank robbers were sentenced to twenty years, and the man who drove the getaway car to ten.
Getaway may also mean an escape, literally or figuratively--
They planned the crime carefully, but forgot the getaway.
They are planning a weekend getaway in the mountains.
They are planning a getaway with a few close friends.

Get away or get away ( two words ) means to move out of the range of, or apart from--
He wants to get away from it all when they retire.
That's dangerous! Get away!
Get away from the window!
Get away may also mean to escape--
How did they plan to get away from the police?
"Get away with" means to avoid detection or punishment for an infraction of some kind--
I can't believe they expected to get away with this!
Some people think they can get away with murder!

Gateway or gateway ( one word ) means an entrance or passage, closed by a gate, literally or figuratively--
The gateway is at the end of the lane.
This product may open a gateway to new markets.

Now that you know that, you can say--
'They drove the getaway car through the closed gateway, in an attempt to get away from the guards."

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