Tuesday, April 14, 2015

inappropriate, misappropriate

Inappropriate or inappropriate means not proper or suitable--
He wore cut-offs when everyone else was in a suit; he felt foolish in inappropriate clothing.
That comment was inappropriate; no personal remarks, please.

Misappropriate or misappropriate means to use wrongfully or dishonestly, as money entrusted--
He was tempted to misappropriate funds from the payroll to make up a shortage elsewhere.
He tried to misappropriate several million, but he was caught.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The accusation that he tried to misappropriate public funds was inappropriate, at best, and possibly libelous."

Note--"in appropriate" ( two words ) means [ in something ] proper or suitable--
He went home and changed; he felt better in appropriate clothing.
Note # 2--"unappropriated" means not set aside for public use, or not claimed by anyone--
There is still a sum of unappropriated money in the city budget.
There may still be unappropriated land in the American West.

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