Friday, October 4, 2013

traffic, traffick

Traffic or traffic means the movement of vehicles or people through a space or along a street--
There was a lot of traffic on the way home.
Pedestrian traffic will move over this bridge; cars will go under it.
We got stuck in a traffic jam.

Traffick or traffick ( rhymes with traffic ) means smuggling or dealing in illicit cargo or goods--
They are have asked us to meet with them to discuss the traffick in illegal arms.
The government is hoping to stop the drug traffick at the border.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"With all the traffic at the border, it is difficult to detect an attempt to traffick in drugs or weapons."

Note--"traffick" is a verb ( action word ), with the regular verb forms--
He trafficks; they traffick; they are trafficking; they trafficked.

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