Monday, October 7, 2013

coal, cole

Coal or coal means the mineral dug from a mine and burned for fuel--
People all over the country watched  the rescue of the men trapped in a coal mine.
Some electric power plants burn coal.

Cole or cole ( rhymes with coal ) means cabbage--
We are making potato salad and cole slaw for the party.
Cole may mean any vegetable that resembles a cabbage.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The coal miners had a picnic, with cole slaw and barbecue."

Note--"kohl" ( rhymes with coal ) means a brown powder used as eye shadow--
Her eyes looked smoky, from the kohl she used as eye shadow.
Note # 2 --"coal" is sometimes a verb ( action word ), meaning to load coal--
They stopped to coal the ship.
The past tense ( yesterday, or some time ago ) of "coal", the verb, is "coaled"--
They coaled the ship before leaving the harbor.
Not to be confused with "cold", meaning very chilly--
It's cold outside; wear your mittens.

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