Wednesday, October 2, 2013

a cute, acute

A cute or a cute ( two words ) means one ( a ) person or item that is "cute", meaning charming or pretty--
I saw a cute baby dress in the store window.
What a cute puppy!
Cute may mean coy or affected--
He just gave me a cute answer, and now I'm even more angry.

Acute or acute ( one word ) means sharp or ending in a point, literally, or sharp, severe or intense, figuratively--
This street comes to an acute angle at the end; it's hard to make a turn there.
That was an acute perception; small details can be important.
He has an acute case of appendicitis.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"I want a cute gift that will cheer up a child with an acute case of laryngitis."

Note--"astute" means clever or wise, or having a real understanding--
He was an astute judge of character, and never hired anyone who wasn't an asset to the firm.

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