Friday, March 25, 2016

mead, meed

Mead or mead is a fermented alcoholic drink made from honey--
He brought a bottle of mead back with him from Poland.
They want to have a medieval dinner, with mead and a roast ox.

Meed or meed ( rhymes with mead ) is an archaic ( no longer used ) word, meaning a deserved share or reward--
He has slain the dragon; what meed should we offer him?
He will have his meed of fame when the battle is over.

Mede or mede is an archaic word for a piece of meadow or grassland--
What a fine day to frolic on the mede!
He is writing a poem about a cow in a mede, forsooth.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Tell the squire we would offer him a meed, a fine bottle of mead, if he will meet us in the mede."

Note--"Mede" ( a proper noun, always capitalized, rhymes with mead ) means a person from Ancient Media in Persia--
Darius the Mede was the ancient king who saw the handwriting on the wall.

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