Monday, October 12, 2015

America, amurca

America ( a proper name, always capitalized ) is most commonly used to mean the United States of America--
Today we remember Columbus, and the European discovery of America.
His grandparents came to America in 1890, and began to prosper after several years.

America may also mean the continent of North America, or the continent of South America, or both--
Canada, Mexico and the United States make up most of America.
He left Italy to go to Argentina, in America.

Amurca or amurca ( almost rhymes with America ) means the lees or sediment of olive oil--
The amurca is sold to a food processor; it is used in canned food.
The Romans fed amurca to their cattle.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"We grow olives right here in America, and we use the amurca as a pesticide."

Note--"Amurica" ( always capitalized, sometimes spelled 'murica or Amurika) was coined as part of a spoof or satire of ignorant, but supposedly patriotic, people--
"We get to have all the guns because this is Amurica."

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