Tuesday, December 2, 2014

act in, actin

Actin or actin ( one word ) means a globulin that plays a part in muscle contraction; a part of the human body--
A body deficient in actin will have difficulty moving in a normal way.
The disease seems to be linked to a decrease in actin.

Act in or act in ( two words ) means to behave or to perform ( in )--
I wish he wouldn't act in such an affected way.
He is going to act in the school play; he has a small part.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Could a lack of actin cause a muscle to act in such a strange way?"

Note--"actin--" is a prefix ( added to the beginning of a word ), used to describe the physics of chemical effects produced by radiation--
He is studying the effects of actinic rays.
Note # 2--"acting" is a participle ( used with a helper verb, or as a noun ) of "act", meaning to behave or to perform in a play, TV show, or movie--
His acting may win him an Oscar.
Note # 3--Some authors will omit the "g" at the end of "acting", to imitate actual speech, particularly informal or uneducated speech--
I don't like the way he's actin'.

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