Wednesday, November 19, 2014

reveille, revile

Reveille or reveille means the signal, usually a bugle call, directing military troops to assemble in the morning--
When you hear them sound first call, get ready for reveille.
Reveille will be at 0600 hours.

Revile or revile means to speak [ to or of ] contemptuously or with loathing--
He didn't have to revile the play; he might have merely said that he didn't like it.
Don't let him revile the staff; two of them have given notice.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"The sergeant will publicly revile anyone who is late for reveille, so be on time."

Note--"revelry" means merrymaking or partying--
The dean put a stop to their noisy revelry.

Note # 2--"reverie" means a daydream--
He doesn't hear you; he's lost in a reverie.

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