Friday, October 10, 2014

petrol, petrel

Petrol or petrol means gasoline or petroleum. British speakers are more likely to say "petrol" when Americans would say "gas"--
The lorry is almost out of petrol.
We need to stop for petrol at the next exit.

Petrel or petrel ( rhymes or nearly rhymes with petrol ) means a kind of sea bird, one said to be able to walk on water--
Look at the petrel bobbing up and down in the water.
He took a photo of a petrel in flight; he wants to enter it in a contest.

Now that you know that, you can say--
They rescued a petrel that had been soaked in petrol after the oil spill."

Note--no to be confused with "patrol", meaning to maintain order and security by passing through an area--
He wants to work for the border patrol.
"Patrol" may also mean a small group of persons; a division of a troop--
There will be eight men in each patrol.

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