Wednesday, January 30, 2013

par, parr

Par or par means a standard or equivalent, as in the value of currency or a share of stock, or an average golf score--
These bonds are offered for sale at below par, so they should be a good deal.
His usual golf score is just under par.
This hole is a par five.

Parr or parr ( rhymes with par ) means the young of salmon or some other fish--
The lake was stocked with parr last year, so the fishing should be good by now.
We have to throw the parr back; the limit is an 8" fish.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He bought some stock in a salmon fishery at par, and dreamed of thousands of swimming little parr."

Note--"par."  ( with a period at the end ) is an abbreviation, probably for paragraph--
See par. 6, page 5.
Note # 2--"par" means a standard golf score, or the score a good golfer would achieve.  To score "under par" or "below par " is good--better than "par". To describe something as "under par" would  mean better than average, as a golf analogy--
He is a good golfer, and consistently scores under par.
Note # 3--a bond or a share of stock that is valued "below par" is being sold for less than a standard price, possibly because it inspires little confidence. As Wall Street jargon, "below par" means less than, or not as good as, average--good only if you're looking for a bargain--
I'd like to unload these bonds, even if they are sold at below par.
So, next time someone describes something as "below par", unless they are golfers or finance analysts, you'll have to ask them if that's good or bad ( why no one but golfers or finance analysts should use this bit of jargon).

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