Monday, September 10, 2012

skull, scull

Skull or skull means the bone in your head--the one that might be a Halloween decoration--
A skull with a candle in it always makes a nice decoration.
He fractured his skull, and has to stay in the hospital for a few days.

Scull or scull ( rhymes with skull ) means a long narrow boat that is rowed by a team or crew--
The crew was always careful to put the scull back in the boathouse.
They enjoyed racing their scull against the dragon boat.

 Now that you know that, you can say--
"Their dragon boat is so fierce-looking that I think we should decorate our scull with a skull."

Note--"scullery" means the part of the kitchen where the pots and pans are washed--
She started work in the scullery, but soon learned other skills.
Note # 2--"skullduggery" means low or lewd behavior--
What manner of skullduggery is this!
Note # 3--"skulk" means to sneak about or loiter in a hiding place, with criminal intent--
Don't skulk about in the shrubbery. Someone will mistake you for a prowler.
Note # 4--the "skull and crossbones" may be a label for something poisonous--
It's best to lock up poisons, even if they have a skull and crossbones on the label.
The skull and crossbones flag, called the "Jolly Roger", is the symbol for piracy--
When the ship got within range of our guns, it hoisted the skull and crossbones.

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