Tuesday, August 28, 2012

trust, trussed

Trust or trust means to have faith or confidence in someone or something--
If you trust your doctor, you will follow his advice.
The cat won't come near us. She doesn't trust us.
I don't trust this car in city traffic.
Trust also means a kind of account or bequest--
Their grandparents left them money in a trust fund.

Trussed or trussed ( rhymes with trust ) is the past tense ( yesterday, or some time ago ) of "truss", meaning to tie up securely, with string, skewers, or rope--
She stuffed and trussed the turkey right after breakfast, so it would be ready in time for dinner.
She trussed the chicken with kitchen twine and wooden skewers.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"I trussed the turkey as directed, but I'm not sure that I trust the recipe."

Note--a "truss" --a noun ( thing or idea ) is a kind of support--for a person or for a structure, such as a bridge--
He always wore a truss when lifting heavy objects.
Note # 2--"trusty" ( pronounced TRUSS-tee ) describes something or someone that can be relied upon--
He won't leave the house without his trusty Swiss Army knife.
Not to be confused with "trustee"  ( pronounced truss-TEE ) , meaning someone who administers property or business on behalf of someone else--
The trustee of the estate said that nothing can be sold until all of the debts are paid.

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