Friday, March 9, 2012

censor, sensor

Censor or censor means to prohibit the publication, broadcast, mailing, or transmission of objectionable material, or to remove objectionable material after it has been disseminated--
The U.S. military still has the capacity to censor letters from servicemen and women.
The newspaper objected to the government's attempt to censor it.
Censor may also refer to the person who prohibits or removes objectionable material--
This show will never make it past the censor.
The censor told them to remove the foul language before broadcasting the show.

Sensor or sensor ( rhymes with censor ) means a device used to detect gas, heat, motion, or some other physical property--
The heat sensor in your smoke detector will set off the alarm if you put the space heater too close to it.
The alarm system used a light sensor to detect the presence of an intruder.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"They company asked the government to censor reports about the new light sensor they had invented."

Note--"censer" means the container, sometimes a metal ball on a chain, in which incense is burned--
The priest moved the censer back and forth, leaving a small cloud of incense.
 Note # 2--"censure" ( sen shure ) means to express disapproval or to criticize in a public way--
His internet comment left him exposed to the censure of the community.
Note # 3--"sensory" means having to do with the five physical senses--sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch--
His brain processed sensory information in an abnormal way.

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