Monday, July 25, 2011

know, no, knows, nose

No or no means the absence or lack of--
There are no more muffins.
No also means a negative response, such as a denial or refusal --
May I have some muffins? No.

Know or know ( rhymes with no ) means to understand, be aware of or acquainted with--
Do you know the muffin man?
Do you know how to make muffins?

Knows or knows ( rhymes with nose ) is the third person singular ( he, she, it ) form of "know"--
He knows the muffin man.
The muffin man knows him.

Nose or nose is the thing on your face used for smelling--
My nose detects muffins baking.
He bumped his nose trying to peek in the door.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Do you know that there are no more muffins?"
"My nose will tell me when there are more muffins, before anyone else knows."
"Know what?"
" No, what?"

Note--the plural ( more than one ) form of "nose" is "noses"--
These puppies have cold noses. That means they're healthy.
Note # 2--"Noh" ( rhymes with no ) is a type of oriental drama--
They rented a video of a Noh drama for us to watch.
Note # 3--"Noah" ( pronounced no-uh ) is a man's given name--
The children liked the story of Noah and the ark.
Not to be confused with the phrase "know a"--
Do you know a place where we can have a picnic?

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