Friday, May 13, 2016

a tune, attune

A tune or a tune ( two words, one t ) means one ( a ) melody or strain of music ( tune )--
I have a tune stuck in my head, but I can't remember the name of it.
He composed a tune to use in the commercial.

Attune or attune ( one word, two t's ) means to become more aware or receptive, or to make more aware or receptive--
He meditates in an attempt to attune himself to nature.
He hopes to attune the firm's product line to the younger consumers.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"He constantly hums a tune, and claims it helps him to attune himself to the demands of his job."

Note--"a toon" ( rhymes with attune ) means one animated or cartoon being--
Roger Rabbit isn't real, he's a toon.

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