Thursday, March 5, 2015

atoll, a toll

Atoll or atoll ( one word ) means a ring-shaped coral reef, or a group of coral islands, with a lagoon in the center--
It's a beautiful atoll; we can go snorkeling in the lagoon.
They are going to spend their vacation on an atoll in the South Pacific.

A toll or a toll ( two words ) means a fee paid for the right to cross a bridge or use a highway--
The highway is quicker, but you have to pay a toll.
Is there a toll to cross the bridge? How much is it?

A toll may also mean one ring of a large bell--
He summoned them to the castle with a toll of the bell.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"There is a toll to cross the bridge to the atoll, but the only other way to get there is by boat."

Note-- "a tole" ( rhymes with a toll ) means a painting on tinware, or a piece of painted tinware--
She is working on a tole pitcher.

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