Friday, February 14, 2014

pairing, paring

Pairing or pairing means a coupling; a set of two--
This restaurant offers a new wine pairing every day.
This was an inspired pairing!
Pairing may also be a verb ( action word ), meaning to put things together in sets of two--
Pairing red wine with seafood gives some people a headache.
Pairing beer with this dish was a great idea.
The young people will be pairing off soon, and their group won't be the same.

Paring or paring ( rhymes with pairing ) means the peel of a fuit, vegetable, or something else--
There was nothing left in the kitchen but a dried up potato paring.
He slipped on an apple paring and sprained his ankle.
Paring may also be a verb, meaning to  peel a fruit or vegetable--
When you're done paring those potatoes, start on the carrots.
She's still busy paring apples for the pie.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Pairing the chicken stew with cider garnished with an apple paring tasted as good as it looked."

Note--the plural ( more than one ) of "paring", used as a noun ( thing or idea ) is "parings"--
Mom said we should clean up these potato parings.
The plural ( more than one ) of "pairing", used as a noun ( thing or idea ) is "pairings"--
We enjoy the wine and food pairings recommended by the chef.

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