Tuesday, February 25, 2014

fellow, felloe

Fellow or fellow means a man or boy; a guy--
Hello there, little fellow. Where are your parents?
Tell the fellow at the next table to be quiet!
Fellow may also mean a graduate student, or a member of an academic society--
He will be a graduate fellow for the next two years.
Fellow may also describe people who are in the same state or condition--
He chats on line with his fellow sufferers.

Felloe or felloe ( rhymes with fellow ) means the rim of a wheel, into which the spokes are inserted--
The felloe is bent, and one of the spokes keeps coming loose.
The number of holes in the felloe should equal the number of spokes.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"Ask the fellow at the garage if he thinks he can straighten out the felloe so the spoke will stay in place."

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