Friday, May 11, 2012

moose, mousse

Moose or moose means the ungainly animal with large antlers seen at the beginning of "Northern Exposure"--
We saw a moose while on vacation in Alaska.
He stepped on the brakes when he saw the moose in the road.

Mousse or mousse ( rhymes with moose ) means the fluffy dessert, or a type of fluffy hair dressing--
We are having chocolate mousse for dessert.
She put so much mousse in her hair that it looked plastered to her head.

Now that you know that, you can say--
"We  made a chocolate mousse in the shape of a moose in honor of our trip to Maine."

Note--not to be confused with "mouse" ( rhymes with house ), the small creature that may be caught by the cat if it gets in a house--
Their cat caught a mouse last week.

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